We work with and for barristers on their risk management issues.
Primarily, we advise on their engagement letters, and terms and conditions, and relevant processes around engaging with clients through our Close the Circle® service.
This includes consideration of the COMBAR and Bar Mutual terms as well. We also provide training on risk issues on a variety of relevant topics through our RiskBites® programme or as a lecturer at conferences on request.


George Rowell, Barrister at Exchange Chambers
“I have worked with Karen on several large professional negligence and tax cases. She has a very thorough grasp of both areas of legal work and particular expertise where they overlap. She gets on very well with clients and achieves excellent results for them. I would strongly recommend her for any legal work involving risk management and alleged professional negligence.”

Francis Bacon, Barrister at Hailsham Chambers
“I have had the pleasure of working with Karen for many years on complex regulatory and tax-related professional negligence claims. She has a formidable wealth of knowledge and experience. Karen fully deserves the highest accolades.”