Our values


We want to help businesses avoid claims and improve relationships with their clients. That means practical solutions which protect you, your staff, and your clients, and which add immediate value.


We will often refer clients to third parties if we feel that is in their best interests, but will never take a commission for so doing, as we will always act in the client’s best interests rather than our commercial ones. We treat clients and suppliers how we would like to be treated; this means paying bills when they are received and paying a fair price for a fair service. We’ve embedded fairness throughout our organisation and are proud members of West Yorkshire’s Fair Work Charter.


We are open, honest and transparent in our dealings with clients, this includes usually agreeing a capped fee for our services so that clients know the maximum they will be charged for a piece of work but benefit if the work is done more quickly. We will always be clear about the scope of what we will deliver, the timescale, and what we will need from you to deliver the project as agreed.


We practice gratitude in all that we do. We believe in the value of using our knowledge, experience, and connections to give back and support businesses, communities, and charities. Our CSR page provides further details of what we do to support and improve the lives of others.